Sunday, August 05, 2012

The Ghey Marriage

     One has to ask the question why those in favor of same sex marriage seem to make it a point to try to offend non-gays as much as possible.
     When Christians protest same sex marriage they are pretty low key. Praying, buying, standing. But the gaysters seem to think that a good argument in their favor is to be vile and offensive.
     Does it make any sense to think that by offending people one will draw a person to one's position? This is the thinking of an adolescent.
     But, when one thinks of it, the gay world, especially the male gay world, is really made up of a bunch of eternal adolescents with hairless chests and boy haircuts. And the women gays have followed the example of their male friends. The days of the spinster school teachers or librarians living together quietly are long gone. Now every damn Sodomite has to be loud, proud and offensive. And they wonder why normal people think that they are freaks.
     Here are a couple of things showing the tolerance of the inverts:
     The Pope is a Pig
     Homeless Man Hassled For Reading the Bible
     Ain't tolerance great?

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