Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Thought (Gasp!) and Entertainment

     Some members of the Secret Service of the United States recently got caught up in a scandal involving an escapade with prostitutes in Columbia while acting as scouts for a visit by The One to that nation. The woman who dropped the dime on these idiots claims that she is not a "prostitute". She claims to be an "escort" because she charges about $800 per night instead of $100. Either way, she's a whore. But one cannot blame her for that. One does what one has to do to get by.
     The problem is with the members of the Secret Service and, on a larger scale, the problem with much of law enforcement that is under the impression that the members of various law enforcement organizations do not have to follow the rules that the American populace is expected to follow, whether those laws be state mandated laws or moral laws. This trend, which has been prevalent for some thirty years in the Los Angeles area, is troubling. There is a certain segment of law enforcement that seems to feel that since they are the Blue Centurions they are allowed bad behaviour that they or the state or the polis would not suffer gladly. In effect it's like an extension of the old high school clique bit. Cops are the jocks and the rest of us are the losers living under the sufferance of the jocks. By law the populace is really allowed to enforce the law. We are required to call a "disinterested" man or woman in blue or green or khaki. And thus we have come to rely on said men or women to do the things that in the past the citizen was expected to do. In old England there were no police. The citizen was expected to enforce the law by "hue and cry." Those days are long gone. We have, as a society, handed our responsibility over to professionals who are really nothing more than state approved security guards who assume privileges that are denied the citizen. Or to put it another way, we have, through our tax money, hired a gang that acts in our interest against gangs of an unlawful interest.
     Is it any surprise when law enforcement officers, whether local or federal, behave like gangsters? They give lip service to law and morality, but they are not slow in behaving like gangsters when it is to their benefit.
     So when a cop acts like a thug or a man of low morals, don't be surprised. Most cops are decent people, but they are not saints in blue. They are as bad as you and me.
     On a lighter note, how about a little shamisen?

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