Sunday, March 04, 2012

An Open Letter to the Syrian Rebels

Dear Syrian Rebels,
For some months you have been waging an armed rebellion against the Syrian government and you have not having very good success at overthrowing the Great Opthamologist. Your attempt to participate in the Arab Spring seems to have come a bit of a cropper.
Now, let it be known that most of us in the United States think that Mr. Assad is a man of bad character, a totalitarian and general creep of the Arab sort, and we really can't blame you for wanting to send him to Hell, or at least a sumptuous retirement on the Costa del Sol in Spain.
But your rebel army seems to be a rag tag construction despite the fact that some Syrian Army soldiers have joined your ranks. You do not seem to have the leadership nor competence to overthrow a ruthless regime.
Let it be known that we in the U.S. Wish you a bit of luck. We tend to root for the under-dog.
Several times on the radio and on television we here at the Manor have heard those among your ranks cry out, "Where is America? We need America's help to find freedom!"
Well, guess what, dudes. If you're waiting for the U.S. to help you out you're going to be waiting for a long time. A very long time. And the reason is not because we don't care about the freedom of our Arab/Muslim co-humans. The reason is simply because you stand for something that is other than freedom as we in the West know it.
On September 11, 2001 there was film of you all jumping up and down on the streets celebrating the deaths of over 3,000 Americans caused by your Muslims. You celebrated the deaths of Americans and you expect us to feel pity for you? Americans are suckers for a sad story, but we hope that we aren't that big of suckers.
Also, Egypt has shown us that once the strongman is out of power the Muslim Brotherhood moves in. Why should the United States help the Muslim Brotherhood get into power? The result of Muslim Brotherhood government is a worse persecution of Christians than under the strongman. The U.S. is an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Why should we participate in the oppression of our Christian brothers?
If you want help look to the Arab League. Look to your own. Don't look to us or Europe.
The American Civil War was waged without foreign assistance. The French revolution was accomplished without foreign assistance. Do it your own damn selves! American blood is not worth your Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship.
The Bloody Nib

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