Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's All Falling Apart Here And There

We all know that the Saudis are a nation of bastards, but we sometimes have to be reminded:

SAUDI ARABIA - PHILIPPINES Saudi Arabia, 70% of Filipino domestic workers suffer physical and psychological violence - Asia News

And if you think you local stockbroker is a nice guy, just remember that he's out for himself and his firm:

Greg Smith on Goldman Sachs: How the 'Vampire Squid' sucked the world dry | Mail Online

The Arabs are not your friends. The Wealthy are not your friends. Your friends are your family, friends and fellow church members.

At the End of His Rope

In the wake of the killing of 16 Afghans by an American soldier Hamid Karzhai has demanded a full investigation of the incident and claims that he is at the end of his rope in his dealings with the US.
We here at the Manor are of the opinion that Mr. Karzhai is talking for the international audience and is not speaking for the Afghan people.
This is evinced by the fact that about a month ago, when the soldiers in Afghanistan burned a pile of Korans the result was Afghans jumping up and down in front of every Western aimed camera they could find and burning effigies of The One in protest, but there have been no such expressions of outrage by the Afghanis over the deaths of 16 of their countrymen by an evil man. The Afghan population just doesn't care. The Taliban does the same thing. It's like the old stereotype about the Chinese: life is cheap. But to burn a book written by an illiterate merchant who misunderstood Christianity and Judaism is unacceptable.
We, in the US, the UK and NATO, are dealing with savages in Afghanistan. They are people. like the Pakistanis, the Iranians and the greater Arab world, better left alone and isolated until they throw a punch at us or our allies. They have nothing but oil to sell us. They have no culture, no inventions, no education and no religion that is worth a drop of our blood.
And despite our blood and toil to put Mr. Karzhai in power he has, because of the evil work of one man in the taking of the lives of those who his own countrymen consider worth less than a Koran, said that he is at the end of his rope in dealing with the US.
Let us hope that when the US leaves that benighted country that it is understood to Mr. Karzhai that he will be reaping the product of his sowing and that he will not be allowed back into the US to run a gas station or sweep out a machine shop. Then he will find that he will be at the end of a literal rope strung up for him by his countrymen. And we won't shed a tear.

Journalism and Actors and Lies

Recently National Public Radio did a piece about the working conditions at the factories in China that make components and assemble iPhones, iPads and iPods. The original piece was based on a monologist named Mike Daisey who claimed that he had gone to China, masqueraded as a businessman and gained access to several of the factories (he first claimed he went to ten factories and later said that he'd visited five his translator says that he visited three). In his monologue (which is the lazy man's Chautauqua talk -- all opinion of feelings dressed up as "facts"), Mr. Daisey made claims about the treatment of the workers that made it appear that some Apple products were the result of slave and child labor under the same working conditions as prevailed at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory before the fire. In other words, places that one wouldn't want one's worst enemy to work.
The result of Mr. Daisey's appearance on the original NPR program is that a hue and cry went out among the liberal and conservative users of said Apple products and a giant guilt trip among those who punch their e-mails while standing at the line at the local Whole Foods.
But then, someone tipped NPR off that Mr. Daisey's claims were not quite as truthful as originally portrayed. They did some investigation and found that there were many discrepancies between what Mr. Daisey claimed and what the translator and other investigators claimed. NPR confronted Mr. Daisey this past Saturday and he admitted that he had:
1.) Lied for the greater good.
2.) That he is not a journalist. He is an actor. Thus, he is not a liar. He is a dramatist.
Needless to say, NPR felt burned because it had been made suckers NPR admitted that it had not checked Mr. Daisey's claims as it should have. But it did not point out that one of the reasons that NPR did not fact-check as it should was because the network thought it had such a good story to slam Apple. NPR is, in its own way, as guilty as Mr. Daisey in spreading lies. But once a lie has been let loose it's hard to get back under control. It's like trying to pick up mercury with a pair of tweezers. Mr. Daisey spilled the bottle of mercury, NPR spread it around. Now NPR is running around with a pair of tweezers. Good luck. But the story has gone around the world several times.
Here's the NPR story on the retraction of the original story:

Retraction | This American Life

In somewhat the same vein, those in the entertainment culture like to claim that they are all about entertainment and have no influence on the greater culture. Other times it claims just the opposite. One the one hand movies, television and popular music, in their glorification of various forms of violence, cheap sex and drug use, are just entertainment. On the other hand the same media claim to use their influence to make people aware of bullying, breast cancer, apartheid and racism, and attempt to end those things.
Well, which is it? The entertainment media either have or do not have an influence on the cultural and the shifting of cultural norms. The answer is, both. Those who are unthinking sheep allow the media to define their behaviour. The thinking and grounded look beyond the nonsense of television and movies for their culture and look to the great thinkers of ages past for those verities that lead to the life well-lived.
But let us face the fact that most people are sheep who do not look to the Good Shepherd but instead look to the wolf in wool. And the results, since standards have fallen to those of Imperial Rome, have not been heartening. Storytelling has fallen to nagging and propaganda that is not for the good of the polis but for the acceptance and promotion of deviant behaviour and thought. Bill Sykes was not a bad man. He was an oppressed plebe who could not help but kill Nancy. Satan is just misunderstood. That type of nonsense.
A British writer has taken it upon himself to state the obvious and he hasn't gotten any joy for taking a stand:

Hollywood's cultural revolution is making gay marriage inevitable – Telegraph Blogs

When this writer was a young man back in the '70s there was a short-lived period when being homosexual was the thing to be. Most people do not remember it. A high school in Los Angeles was pretty much set aside for those student, male and female, who self-identified themselves as homosexual. Your faithful correspondent knew several young women who claimed that they were lesbians and the lovely Lady Nib was hit upon by another young woman with whom she had attended high school. Now, some good years later, almost all of those people are now parents or grandparents and they'd much rather that their former adventures in Sodom be erased from their memories. And, despite the fact that the fashion industry promotes a homophile image in its advertisements for clothing and scents, in a few years those who bought the lie will be denying that they were, for a period, homosexual. The boys will finally grow into men and the girls will grow into women. And it will happen when they hit forty years old and ask themselves, "What in the Hell have I done with my life besides shave my chest or let the hair on my legs grow out to a pelt?"

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Fags Are Us

We here at the Manor, and our fore bearers and ancestors at the Manor have long known that there is really something not quite right about actors. Actors pretend to be men they are not. And they really don't have real jobs. Their "job" is to pretend. Kids pretend. Real people are real or just themselves in a way that actors seem unable to be.
Modern movie and television actors do not even have the wherewithal to memorize the shortest of Shakespeare or Jonson plays. They know no poetry. They know no plotting. They just read words, for a maximum of five minutes worth of talk from a page written by another person.
Actors seem to be in a life-long state of childhood, and thus are easily influence by those who mean the culture no good. Novelty seems to be their thing. And a sense of empathy for the "downtrodden" seems to get them going despite the the fact the "downtrodden" are destructive to the society.
Here are a couple of examples of the idiocy and absolute silliness of actors that will result in the downgrading of the populace:
Clooney and Pitt Join Star-studded Gay Play -

Hollywood's cultural revolution is making gay marriage inevitable – Telegraph Blogs

The society has been taken over by a minority because the society is afraid of hurting the minority's feelings.
We're all fags now.

Since When?

There was a time when organizations such as GLAAD and PETA were considered jokes. They were like the dust in the corner of a room.
Now they are considered important organization despite the fact that GLAAD represents a bit more than 1% of the national population and that PETA actually kills about 90% of the animals they take into their shelters. The local pound does better than that.
But a loud voice, to the media, seems to equal importance or verity. It's actually a condemnation of the popular news media more than the silliness of the organizations.
Kirk Cameron, a Christian man in the acting profession, has made a statement on national television that (oh horror of horrors!) that homosexuality is unnatural. And of course, GLAAD has come out with their BB guns and the media has fallen for it.
Here's Cameron's statement. It would be shocking if it wasn't true:
GLAAD slams Kirk Cameron | Inside TV |

An Open Letter to "President" Karzai

Dear President Karzai,
Recently there was an incident that took place in your nation that caused a bit of controversy. Some members of the United States military burned some volumes of the Koran and other Islamic literature that had been used by prisoners to send coded messages to one another. The prisoners marked the literature to indicate passages or letters. From my understanding, the marking of the Koran by a reader is considered a bad thing by orthodox Muslims.
The result of the burning of the literature were a series of riots and the killings of American military personnel by Afghan soldiers. This despite the fact that the Korans had been defaced by Muslims and were, in fact, only, according to your own religious precepts, only good for burning.
And our President apologized for the burning to you and the Afghan people.
Know this. President Obama is a girl. He apologizes to every damn body. Last year he was about to apologize to the Japanese for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki until the Japanese government told him not to. An apology from Mr. Obama is worthless.
And please know this. The American people do not apologize. They just don't care. What they care about is that American soldiers have been killed by soldiers serving your government. They care that we have wasted blood and money on you country.
You are in power because of the US. You should be apologizing to us for the bad behaviour of your countrymen. If it were not for the US you would be running a liquor store in Oakland. You owe us. We don't owe you.
One day the US will leave your nation and we hope that you will stay there once the Taliban takes over. We don't want you running under our skirts like a frightened kitten. We don't want you. We don't want your countrymen. We want you to play the man. But you won't because you're a rounder, a crook and a lick-spittle of the worst sort.
Ask yourself this question: Why was Kabul more modern in the 1960s than it is now? It wasn't our fault/ It wasn't the Russians fault. It was your fault. Why should we help you against your will? You're savages by nature.
The Bloody Nib

An Open Letter to the Syrian Rebels

Dear Syrian Rebels,
For some months you have been waging an armed rebellion against the Syrian government and you have not having very good success at overthrowing the Great Opthamologist. Your attempt to participate in the Arab Spring seems to have come a bit of a cropper.
Now, let it be known that most of us in the United States think that Mr. Assad is a man of bad character, a totalitarian and general creep of the Arab sort, and we really can't blame you for wanting to send him to Hell, or at least a sumptuous retirement on the Costa del Sol in Spain.
But your rebel army seems to be a rag tag construction despite the fact that some Syrian Army soldiers have joined your ranks. You do not seem to have the leadership nor competence to overthrow a ruthless regime.
Let it be known that we in the U.S. Wish you a bit of luck. We tend to root for the under-dog.
Several times on the radio and on television we here at the Manor have heard those among your ranks cry out, "Where is America? We need America's help to find freedom!"
Well, guess what, dudes. If you're waiting for the U.S. to help you out you're going to be waiting for a long time. A very long time. And the reason is not because we don't care about the freedom of our Arab/Muslim co-humans. The reason is simply because you stand for something that is other than freedom as we in the West know it.
On September 11, 2001 there was film of you all jumping up and down on the streets celebrating the deaths of over 3,000 Americans caused by your Muslims. You celebrated the deaths of Americans and you expect us to feel pity for you? Americans are suckers for a sad story, but we hope that we aren't that big of suckers.
Also, Egypt has shown us that once the strongman is out of power the Muslim Brotherhood moves in. Why should the United States help the Muslim Brotherhood get into power? The result of Muslim Brotherhood government is a worse persecution of Christians than under the strongman. The U.S. is an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Why should we participate in the oppression of our Christian brothers?
If you want help look to the Arab League. Look to your own. Don't look to us or Europe.
The American Civil War was waged without foreign assistance. The French revolution was accomplished without foreign assistance. Do it your own damn selves! American blood is not worth your Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship.
The Bloody Nib