Sunday, March 06, 2011

Orcs on Parade

About a month ago that paragon of virtue, Hugh Hefner announced that he was going to get married. One would think, that at the age of 84, he might spend a little more time with his grandchildren instead of considering marriage, especially since his intended is young enough to be his granddaughter. When Mr. Hefner was 60 years old his future bride was just being born.
To be somewhat common and vulgar, there is a "yuck" factor involved in the marital transaction. Mr. Hefner, being an eternal adolescent, refuses to realize that he is an old man better suited, despite the miracle of Viagra, to be playing checkers in the park or tending his garden than jumping the bones of a young woman. And is bride-to-be, while nattering nonsense about how "young at heart" Mr. Hefner is, shows herself to be nothing more than a whore with a bit of foresight. She has sacrificed herself on the alter of an old, and awful man's lust and self-delusion, in exchange for lucre.
Having said that, both persons are chronologically adults and both of them have come to an agreement.
On the other hand, we all too often run across situations where young Muslim women (actually girls ranging from the ages of 12 to 18) find themselves, without their knowledge or consent, married to a man they have never met and for whom they are expected to bear children. And all too often, these girls are girls who have been raised in the West.
Recently, in Southern California, a case has come forth in which the step-daughter of a Pakistani-Muslim man (the girl, 13, is not a Muslim) ran away from home because she claimed that her mother (a American of European descent) and step-father planned to send her to Pakistan to marry a man she had never met.
The Hefner instance is an example of the self-delusion of an old and randy man. The second instance is an example of the sickness and utter disregard for women that exists in Islam. In the West adults are allowed to be silly and stupid. In Islam, children have no escape from the stupidity and lust of their elders.
In the case of the 13 year old girl from Southern California we are shown the stupidity of Western women marrying Muslim men. The women, in the search of the exotic, marry down. They marry beneath them and don't realize it. It is tantamount with crossing a greyhound (the Western) with a Pariah dog (the Islamic). The greyhound is a cultured and gentle hound, the Pariah dog is vicious. The result will be the greyhound's qualities swamped by the viciousness of the Pariah. The offspring of the mating may result in a gentle pup, but the Pariah will soon do everything possible to ruin the pup.
This article from the Canada Free press does a better job expressing this matter than this writer can:

Muslim Men and Non-Muslim Women

Muslims in America, when not pretending to be tolerant and gung-ho Yanks, are often stupid and silly. One almost longs to play poker with them because they so often tip their hands. When you faithful correspondent first saw the following linked page he thought is a joke or parody. Further investigation of the website showed that the writer was completely serious:

The Islamic Demolition of the Statue of Liberty

The First Amendment guarantees the right of every American (note that this writer uses the word "American" meaning American citizen) to express his or her opinions in public or private without fear of retaliation from the State. The nature of the nation also allows businesses to deign what will or will not be expressed by employees that may be construed as the company's position. In other words, an employee may not, acting under the perceived aegis of the company, say something like, "All politicians are buffoons and whores, and Democrats are the worst" even if the statement is true without suffering the consequences of the displeasure of the employer. The employer has the right to kowtow to our elected masters in the hopes of receiving custom from said masters.
Recently a radio host lost his job because his wife said some things that offended the Orc lobby:

Did Muslim Lobby Force Firing of Popular Radio Host?

We here at the Manor wish you all a good week.

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