Recently, during the revolt in Egypt, CBS reporter Laura Logan was, while reporting on the revolt, basically taken by a group of Egyptian men and "sexually assaulted." As of this time the term "sexually assaulted" has not been defined. Some writers say that she was groped, others say that she was stripped and groped, and still others say that she was gang-raped. She, herself, as of the time of this writing, has not stated what exactly happened to her. She was rescued by soldiers of the Egyptian Army and a group of women.
Women who are familiar (both European correspondents and Egyptian women now living in the West) with life in Egypt have stated that it is not unusual for a woman alone to be sexually assaulted by Egyptian men and that this assault is of a much more violent and serious form the frotage that sometimes takes place on Japanese subways and trains.
While the assault on Ms. Logan is a crime, by Western eyes, what goes on in Egypt in such matters is Egypt's business, and Ms. Logan should have done some research before going to that benighted country before she booked her airline ticket. To think that a press credential will have any brook with Mohammedan savages is not only naive, it's just plain stupid. But, of course stupidity, as will be illustrated later in this post, seems to be the currency of reporters.
We here at the Manor deplore the treatment of women in the Orc nations. But, truth be told, part of the responsibility for their treatment lies with the women themselves. They do not protest. They do not resist. They insist on adhering to a religion that makes them of less value than a donkey. The men get their sexual pleasure from boys and consider women as nothing more than means of replicating themselves.
But if Islamic women want to live that way and not see the freedom and salvation that comes with Christianity, that's on them. Some people insist on being rather stupid and that's their fault. Not ours nor their society's.
On the other hand, when stupidity and idiocy immigrates to one's nation and is allow to persist in the name of being "inclusive" that IS our problem.
Consider Sweden, for example. The city of Malmo has become almost unlivable for native Swedes and Swedish Jews because of the number and influence of Muslim immigrants to that city. The Swedish police do not do their job because they are either afraid of being condemned by the press for being racist, or for fear of suffering violence by the Orcs. The result has been a Little Arabia in Sweden that lives by its own laws.
Since the government of Sweden has not addressed the problem the problem has spread. Now it appears that a Swede is not safe in taking his or her daughter to a public swimming pool in Stockholm:
YouTube - 20 refugees rape an 11-year old girl in a public bath, Stockholm Sweden, Husbybadet.
This writer thinks that it may have been Lenin who coined the term, "useful idiots". The artistic, musical, television and movie industries are, and have been full of useful idiots touting a political and economic philosophy that they do not understand. All too many of the "artistic" crowd have been lured by the promises of socialism and communism while drawing big paychecks and not realizing that it is they who are The Man they object to, and not only the studios or recording industrialists. As you watch the two following linked videos ask yourself how many times you've seen a celebrity wearing a "Che" or "Mao" item while they get paid to attend a party that you couldn't get into because you aren't a hipster.
YouTube - Che artist sprays sanctimony like a skunk
YouTube - Killer Chic: Hollywood's Sick Love Affair with Che Guevara (Chinese translation)
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