Many years ago when this writer was a young man there began the modern movement for the tolerance of the homosexual lifestyle and behaviors. Some wag, who's name has been forgotten by yours truly, stated, "Homosexuals are now demanding tolerance from the society at large. Next they will demand acceptance, And after that they will demand that the practice be made mandatory." As usual, the media mocked the man's statement without thinking about what the man said.
Today we see that the man's statement was more true than not. We find ourselves in a day when homosexual behavior is not only tolerated by many in the society at large, but is accepted. Openly homosexual men and women are a regular part of the media. In fact, they are often fawned over. They are considered "cute" and forward looking. And it should be noted that the nouns used for homosexuals has changed. For many centuries the term used was Sodomite for male homosexuals and Lesbian for female homosexuals. In modern times, meaning from the early 20th century, the slang terms used by the public in general were "queer" and "dyke" among other more descriptive terms. In the 60s the term "gay" came upon the scene and was the term insisted upon by homosexual men and women. And is very recent times we have been subjected to the initials LGBT (meaning Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender) to describe those who prefer the sexual comforts of persons of their own sex.
Before continuing, let it be known that your faithful correspondent is of the opinion that a "bi-sexual" is a homosexual who will harbor in any port in a storm, and that there is no such thing as a transgendered person. A person cannot change his or her sex. They can only undergo cosmetic surgery to make themselves look like the sex that they aren't.
Having re-defined themselves from queer or Sodomite to gay, the homosexual community is starting on its campaign to make homosexuality mandatory.. By this, the writer means classes in schools teaching children that homosexuality is normal and just great. Do not be surprised when the day comes that your precious snowflake comes home from school and tells you that one of the activities he engaged in that day was kissing another boy, or if your child is a girl, kissing another girl.
But before that day we find that day comes (in the very near future) there is a campaign afoot by the media and the homosexual lobby, to banish the word "gay" as an insult. Young people often use the word "gay" as a synonym for "weird", "lame" or "queer". To do something that a young person describes as "so gay" means that one has done something stupid or unmanly or silly. There have been television commercials in which the unfunny comedian Wanda Sykes urges the viewer not to use the word "gay" as an insult. Several performers have been denigrated for using the word "gay" as an insult i.e., "electric cars are gay".
What we have here is a minority dictating the attitudes and vocabulary of the majority in the name of "tolerance".
Part of the homosexual argument has been based on the idea that homosexuality is a biological condition and not a choice. This writer is old enough to recall a time when vocal homosexuals stated, proudly, that they chose to be homosexual. They chose to consummate the physical act of love with another person of the same sex. They often said that they were sexual deviants and the gloried in their deviance in the same way that sado-masochists glory in their deviance.
Now homosexuals claim that they are born homosexual and that gives them permission to behave badly and that the society at large should celebrate that bad behavior. But the problem with that argument is that alcoholism has been, by some researchers, identified with a genetic defect and society does not suffer alcoholism gladly. For some reason a "genetic" alcoholic is given less truck than a "genetic" homosexual. The alky is considered a danger to society while a homo is to be considered just fabulous despite the fact that homosexuals, in their public prancing and preening, often, by their actions, promote the lessening of monogamy and the family and the practice of reticence and virtue in the society.
Recently there have been several suicides of homosexual youth who have been "outed" against their will who have committed suicide, and the homosexual lobby has pointed to these incidents as examples of the cost of society's (rather weak) disapproval of homosexuality. What they have not mentioned is that the incidents of teenagers who have had sex before marriage is much higher than that of teenagers who have remained virgins before marriage. But few people complain about Miley Cyrus pretending to be a lipstick lesbian in a music video or Vogue magazine portraying young teenage girls as sexual objects.
Here's the deal. There is a right and there is a wrong. Pre-marital sex is wrong. Adultery is wrong. Homosexuality is wrong. And trying to redefine a bad behavior by using a new word is putting lipstick on a pig. Drunk enough you might give the pig a big old kiss, but once you sober up you'll be asking yourself, "What in the hell did I do?"
Sober up and don't be subject to the wills of pigs.
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