This weekend we celebrate our separation from Great Britain and the founding of our dear nation. It behooves us all to re-read the Declaration of Independence and appreciate the wisdom of out founding fathers and mourn the rejection of their wisdom by the legal and political elites of the present-day United States.
A citizen's required reading for July 4th: The Declaration of Independence (with music) | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
This week there were hearings in the United States Senate concerning the confirmation of Elaine Kagan for a seat on the United States Supreme Court. The hearings were troubling in many ways.
First of all, Ms. Kagan, who has no experience as a judge, has shown herself unable to give a straight answer to many questions addressed to her. She was not even willing to claim the authorship of a document that was written during her tenure in the White House despite the fact that the document was written in her handwriting. She would only say that it was her handwriting on the document, not that she actually wrote it. There are only three possibilities that arise from her answer: she wrote it, she was taking dictation or the document was a forgery. The latter two options are unlikely, so one can only assume that she wrote the document and was too embarrassed to admit that she wrote it.
Ms. Kagan, just a few days before the Glorious Fourth, stated that she does not feel that the Declaration of Independence is a Prologue to the Constitution and, thus, carries the same weight as the Constitution in the interpretation of the legality of issues coming before the court. The reader may ask himself what is the point of the founders to have enumerated the many arguments against the Crown instead of just telling Geo III to get stuffed if they did not intend, upon the founding of the nation, they did not intend to correct those insults to freedom that Great Britain perpetrated upon the Americans.
The Democrats (known here at the Manor as the Evil Party) have greeted Kagan during the hearings as the belle of the ball. The Republicans (known at the Manor as the Stupid Party) have been unwilling to pose hard questions. Kagan herself once wrote that the abusive hearings when Robert Bork was nominated to the Supreme Court were to be considered a model for future hearings. One can only suppose that she (and the Evil and the Stupid) feel that an exception should be made in her case.
The following clip shows absolute childishness of some members of the Senate. The very fact that this Senator was not hooted down by her fellow Senators just goes to show that the Senate is no longer the thinking body that it once was:
Breitbart.tv » Girl Talk! Klobuchar to Kagan: Let’s Talk ‘Twilight’
This writer would urge the reader to read not only the Declaration of Independence, but also the Constitution as we celebrate the true founding of this great nation. And as the reader peruses the documents this writer asks the following question:
Was there anything in either document that was really opaque or unclear despite the older form of English?
If one grew up reading the King James Bible (or in the case of Roman Catholics, the Douy-Reims Bible), the language in both documents is dead simple and easily understood.
There are people, mostly Constitutional lawyers who stand to make a buck, who claim that the Constitution is unclear and fuzzy. These same lawyers are men and women who see themselves as high priests of Constitutional interpretation in the same way that the Gnostics saw things in the Holy Writ that are not there.
Americans should read the Constitution in the same way that Fundamentalists and Evangelicals read the Bible. The plain reading of the Bible and the Constitution is the right reading. There are metaphors in the Bible, but they are limited to the Poetic books. Everything is made as a clear and definite statement. There are no metaphors in either the Declaration nor the Constitution. Our founders wrote what they meant and they meant what they wrote, and until a mentally benighted group has the desire and power to write a new constitution the branches of government have no write to "interpret" our founding documents. Despite the desires of some, the government of the United States is not a priesthood performing mystical rites and writing quasi-theological tomes to maintain the state of the nation.
Our first President stated that government was like fire; a useful tool and fearsome master. Our current president has decided to use the government as a master. He is a man who is standing on the shoulders of giants and who has decided to urinate on their heads in his march toward a nation of subjects living at the whims of the government instead of a nation of free citizens.
Let us, on this day dedicated to the remembrance of those great men. so much more wise than we pygmies, remember that we are a nation of free men and women and that the government is an ugly tool that is supposed to serve us and not we it.
We are a free and sovereign nation. We are not at the beck and call of the "world" or the United Nations.
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