Sunday, January 25, 2009

Some Are Starting To Get and Some Ain't

During the recent Gaza action by Israel resulted in demonstrations in the US, Great Britain and Europe. In Great Britain, France and parts of the US the demonstrations in favor of the Palestinians became violent against against both people and property. The French and the British handled the demonstrations badly. The usual burning of car in Paris and Orcs running through Golders Green in London threatening Jewish owned businesses and smashing windows. The usual Islamic run-a-mok.
In Italy, on the other hand, while there were demonstrations, they remained remained fairly peaceful. But the Orcs managed to push the Italian into taking action against the creeping infestation of non-verbal threats to the Italian way of life:
Islam In Action: Italy:Talks of Deportations.
Great Britain, on the other hand, seems to be unable to recognize a threat to it's heritage and form of government. And leading the charge toward the English monarchy becoming a satrap to Mecca is the Church of England, as evinced by the following: Church vows to keep faith with its schools, despite Muslim majority - Times Online. Be not fooled by the title of the piece. The very fact that a C of E school would accept Muslim students and not carry out the religious instruction for all students, Christian or not, in deference to the Muslims shows that the C of E schools have become private schools and not religious schools. The parents of the Muslim students are using the frame work of a Christin education, without the Christianity to give their children superior educations while Christian students, who cannot afford the schools, are abandoned to the state school system.
To get an idea of the gravity of the C of E school problem imagine yourself the parent of a child who you have decided to enroll into a Catholic or Calvary Chapel school. Naturally you expect your child to be given religious instruction. That's part of what you paid for. But suddenly there is an influx of a large number of Muslim students who are not interested in learning the truth of Christianity, but only in the fact that their children will receive a better education than they would at a state school. The school, decides that they prefer the tuition fees instead of the stated goal of the school (Christian education). Religious instruction, Christian prayers and Christian ethos are chucked out the window in order not to offend the Muslim students. In fact, the Muslim students are given opportunities for prayer that the Christian students are not. One can only assume that the school will soon abandon all vestiges of Christianity (examples are Harvard, Georgetown and USC; all founded as religious schools and now secular)and will become nothing but money makers and perhaps elite alternatives to the awful state schools.
It must be remembered that in India, during the days of the Raj, the best educated Indians were educated at C of E schools and underwent Christian education. Not all the Indians who attended the schools became Christians, but they learned a Christian ethos that neither Hinduism, Buddhism nor Mohammedism have. Christian education, explicit Christian education, bears interest for society in a way that secular or Muslim education does not. Namely, the students are urged to behave like Christians.
One wonders if, in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, there were an influx of the children of Christians into madrassas the the religious education would change to avoid offending the Christians. Not likely.
While reading the article about the C of E schools note the statement of one of one C of E woman priest concerning the withdrawing of her child from the local C of E school and the third e-mail response to the article.
It appears that the C of E and the C of E schools are bound and determined to commit religious and cultural suicide.

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