Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Passing of a Friend

We here at the Manor have been blessed to have shared our time and space with a little cocker spaniel named Jip. She was buff colored and goofy and very sweet. She was adopted from the local animal shelter when she was about three years old. When your faithful correspondent brought her home from the shelter she sat on his lap while he was driving her to the Manor. Jip chose to live at the Manor as much as we at the Manor chose her. And we feel that we were honored and privileged to know and love her.
Jip passed away this week. There is no obituary that this correspondent can write that does justice to her. We've lived with many dogs, but Jip was a special friend. She was the kind of dog that makes one wonder if one is a good enough a man to have such a dog.
She is dearly missed by many. She is the friend by which other friends will be measured.

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