Some years ago the anti-smoker movement started. The movement first started with teh idea that the anti-smokers were saving the smokers from themselves. When the success of that idea came a cropper the hypothesis of second-hand smoke killing non-smokers was started despite the fact that the science of the hypothesis was, and is, shaky. At the time, the wiser heads among us stated that the banning of smoking and the demonization of smokers was just the beginning of a health fascism. The do-ggoders laughed it off and said that it would stop with smoking.
Well, the piper is demanding to be paid: Mississippi Pols Seek To Ban Fats - February 1, 2008 Please note that the "fats" referred to in the story are not inanimate fats like lard or trans-fats. Here "fats" means fat people, i.e. the chubby, the portly, the overweight, the plump.
The proposed law claims that the law is just good for the fat. It is a way to make them slim down. But it won;t be long before some researcher in search of a federally funded grant will develop a hypothesis of second-hand fat. It will be based on the idea that people eating watching other people eating to "excess" will be tempted to over-indulge.
Instead of the creeping health fascism that has been chopping off our freedoms inch by inch, why do the politicians not cut to the chase? Instead of us shopping and cooking for ourselves or eating what we want why do they not start a goverment program to shut down all food stores and resturants and instead provide us all daily, via government vans, with the food that they deem healthy in both portion and content? We'll all stand outside at eight in the morning waiting for the van to bring us our prepackaged and prepared three daily meals of soy protein, vegetables and grains. And then they can pass a law requiring compulsory exercise so that we can all be fit and healthy and bitchy. And the insurance companies can make a lot more money.
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