Sunday, September 09, 2007

Well, Lo! and Behold!

Occasionally one is willing to admit one's garage is infested with termites only after one's garage is a dilapidated heap despite warnings from people who are experts in termites have warned one year after year that one's garage is in danger of becoming useless for anything, even fire wood.

Those in power in Western societies often make the same mistake. They are willing to admit that there is a problem only after the society has fallen around their ears and resulted in a society that is completely antithetical to Western values. They discover that their concept of "inclusiveness" has resulted not so much in inclusiveness as it has the replacement of a better society by a lesser, or worse, society. Those who replace the better society are not willing to offer the same tolerance that the "wise men" of the better society are to offer to the lesser society.

In other words, if the traditional culture of the United States tolerates the culture of illegal aliens from Latin America by allowing the use of the Spanish language in governmental business, the celebration of Mexican patriotic of holidays such as Cinco de Mayo or Sept. 16 by municipal entities or the practicing of Latin American traditions that are antithetical to those of the United States, there is no reason to be surprised when the English language becomes an option instead of the default language, that the celebration of Independence Day becomes a holiday meaning nothing more than fireworks and barbecues and that pure food edicts disappear in favor of the tamale vendor pushing a cart down the street who's food has been thrown together in a roach infested kitchen.

Some people in Europe are finally waking up. Some are finally seeing the quiet invasion by Orcs. This all to short video by Deutsch Wila shows the results of an investigation by an Europeanized Muslim woman concerning the Orc invasion of Belguim:YouTube - Belgium - Militant Muslims

Imagine such an organ such as ABC, CBS or NBC receiving the same reaction among the denizens of Arab Detroit or MacArthur Park in LA. If nothing is not done you will see it.

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