Sunday, August 19, 2007

The World Continues to Deteriorate

There is a certain segment of the Western World that seems to suffer from Chamberlainism. Chamberlainism is the philosophy that if one appeases one's enemies one will not be attacked or destryed by one's enemies. In other words, throw your kids to the crocdiles and the crocodiles will not get hungry for your sorry carcass.

In the Netherlands we have a Dutch bishop sugesting that Dutchmen referred to ur Lord God as Allah because it might make the Orcs living in Holland happy: Let's call God Allah - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - Independent thinking, ind . If this suggestion had been made by a politician it would almost be excusable because politicians are a craven bunch who rarely stand for anything other than their maintainance of power and am easy job with a good income. But this man is a Roman Catholic bishop and seems to be calling for a downgrading of the Person of God by referring to Him as the name Mohammedans use to referto their god, who is not the One True God, but a false and fickle deity. Some people commit suicide and some people want their societies to commit suicide. When reading the article note that this man seems to have lived a life of theological confusion. The nest thing you know he'll be calling for the Dutch to follow the silliness of Wayne Dyer and his faux Taoist nonsense because the largest ethnic group in the world are the Chinese.

Meanwhile, from Canada, a group of Mennonites have fallen under the eye of the secularists in Quebec: WorldNetDaily: Christians would rather move than hear evolution The Quebec governement has demanded that evolution be taught in Mennonite schools. This is an example of Right-think as described in Orwell's 1984. Ask yourself this question: In your daily life, if you are not a scientist, does an adherence to the theory of Darwinian evolution mean anything? Does it affect your life? Will it make you a better person? Will it help you be a better farmer, machinist, stockbroker or citizen? The answer is, No. It might make you a worse person. If one thinks of a human being as nothing but an animal then one might tend to treat other humans as animals. But, for some reason government officials seem to think that the teaching of evolution will make a better person. The nonsense is never ending.

As an aside, the farmers and pigeon fanciers (Darwin used the development of various pigeon breeds as proof of evolution despite no pigeon ever developed into another species) knew a lot more about genetics than Darwin ever did. They knew that no cow could be bred into something that was not a cow. Their experience was based on real life, hands on work, not speculation. But Darwinian evolution is nothing but speculation. To be blunt, it's mental masturbation.

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