Sunday, June 10, 2007

On Open Letter to Our Elected Masters

This week the Senator Harry Reid, of Nevada, decided to pull from consideration for the nonce, from the Senate the McCaine-Kennedy (sometimes called the Bush-Kennedy) Immigration Reform Bill. The senior senator from California (home state of Bloody Nib Manor), Diamond Diane Feinstein, claimed that public opposition to the bill was excited by right wing talk radio. Well, ol' Di lives up on Russian Hill in San Francisco and has about as much contact with her constituency as Marie Antoinette had with hers. But, of course, our elected masters know better than we do despite the fact that they claim to represent the voters. A segment of the voters rose up and denounced this immigration reform nonsense and the denouncers were not all right wing radio talk show listeners. They were people concerned about the fate of the nation.

Let's looks at the nonsense that our legislators have foisted upon us over the past twenty years and the results:

1.) The Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform Bill, which gave amnesty to over 2 million illegal immigrants in 1986 was passed with the explicit promise that no such bill would even be considered, let alone passed, by the Senate, the House or signed by the President. Since that time there have been several proposals by the Senate and the President to not only repeat Simpson-Mazzoli, but to exceed it. The latest incarnation would have amnestied 12-20 million illegal aliens, including criminals and potential terrorists.

2.) The legislators and the President passed the North American Free Trade Agreement under the aegis of the idea that free trade between the US and Mexico and Central America would result in the reduction the number of illegal immigrants to the US because there would be more and higher paying jobs in Mexico and Central America. The result has been the loss of good US jobs to Mexico while not stemming the flow of wetbacks to these shores. Consider the fact that the Maytag plant in Illinois has been shut down and the work has been sent to Mexico. The result? Hundreds of United States citizens thrown out of work, a town almost killed, no stoppage of illegal immigration and no reduction of the price of your washer, dryer or dishwasher. Who benefits? It's not the average American?

Also consider the fact that Chinese companies are now having the final assembly of their products done in Mexico so that they can take advantage of NAFTA and the low or non-existent tariffs levied on products from Mexico instead of paying the tariffs on products that have been shipped from Shanghai.

3.) The Chinese Trade Agreement of about ten years ago. This was one of Diamond Diane's causes. Just forget that her husband is a businessman with many trade agreements with the Chinese. What have we gotten? Cheap crap and lost jobs. Go into your local Home Depot or Lowes and look at the country of origin of the products they sell. Nails, tools, lawn mowers; all made in China. Food products of questionable safety and purity ranging from wheat gluten to fish labelled as monkfish that are actually puffer (a poisonous fish that is only allowed to be prepared in Japan by a licensed chef). China has gotten our low skilled factory jobs and our money and we have gotten boxes of nails at 5 cents less a pound.

4,) The failure to enforce the Simpson-Mazzoli Bill has resulted in the flooding of the US with cheap labor. Illegal immigration has busted the dry wall and plasterers union in California, the reduction of wages for carpenters, gardeners, production machinists, the clothing and shoe making industries and the introduction of TB back into the country after it had been thought to have been almost eradicated. Meanwhile, the cost of housing has gone up and the roads have become more congested. Crime has gone up. The numbers of people on the welfare rolls has gone up. School have become overcrowded and over-burdened with children who don't speak English and whose parents don't care if their children speak English or not.

The current talking point among the pro-amnesty crowd is that the current law does not work. They are wrong. The current law is not, and has not been, used. The current law is rusted from lack of use. All it takes to make it work is oiling by a bit of money and use.

One argument by our elected masters to refute the enforcement of the current law is that we cannot, as a nation, separate illegal alien parents from their native born children. But that's not the nation's problem. That's the individual's problem. Illegal immigrants have broken the law. They are criminals. The argument has never been made about a man or woman, having been convicted of selling weed, coke or robbing a bank that to send that person to prison would be the breaking up of that person's family. Family farms, ranches and even homes have been confiscated by the government in the name of the "public good." by eminent domain" with no consideration of the fate of the families involved.

Here's the point. Those we have elected do not seem to represent us. Some represent illegal aliens in the hope that the immigrants, once citizens, will vote for their party. Others represent big business whose only concern is money. We, as the voter, have neither the sympathetic ear nor the jack required to to catch the attention of our Senators. All we have are our voice and vote. We each have to assume the role of Stentor and announce, yell and scream long and loud to make this bunch of idiots take the rolled up dollar bills out of their ears and listen to us.

Finally, there are those who say that in writing, phoning or addressing those officials who are on the opposite side of the immigration issue than we are, that we should be respectful and polite. Why? They hold us in contempt by their positions. Why address them better than they treat you?

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