Sunday, May 13, 2007

What's Good for the Goose...

How many times have you turned on the television or gone on the Internet and seen the Muslim monster, in whatever nation, telling you that you, as a Christian, are a bad person, a damned heathen and that you deserved to have your head lopped off because you aren't praying toward a cube in Saudi Arabia instead of to Our Lord God above? And when you saw such reports do you recall the news reader condemning the makers of such statements. I think not (to quote a Finn I once knew).

But when Christians publicly make the claim (which is true) that there is no salvation outside of Our Lord Christ the elite media portrays Christians as unloving, uncaring and just not inclusive. But, let's face the fact that the media, in general, is pretty much a Deist (if that) franchise.

Here's an example of what a Christian church has to say and the media reaction: Church's Sign Against Islam Sparks Controversy :: Note that the writer of the article wastes more ink on the response from the Islamic apologists than she does allowing the preacher, about whom the article is, to state his case.

We're all kumbaya now.

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