As those in the know are aware, Bloody Nib Manor is located in the United States. It is a bit of Anglophile-Japanophile Americana in a vast sea of the ever seeming rising tide of Mexicana. In other words, The Manor is an Alamo and it is only a matter of time before numbers outweigh right and this outpost will ring with the sounds of corridos instead of the manly and brave songs of the Great Republic.
This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and it is only right to pause to remember the war dead who have sacrificed their lives to maintain the ideals of the American republic despite the efforts of all too many of our leaders to make the nation into a pale imitation of the European Union. The United States may be seen by some as old fashioned, but there's really nothing wrong with that. It is the past that has created the foundation of the present. Once the foundation is ignored the the building becomes a structure that bends and collapses with every passing wind.
A British writer has written an appreciation of the U.S. Americans will die for liberty Dt Opinion Opinion Telegraph Unfortunately none of our leaders has deigned to do the same. Instead some have decided to attend Global Warming Conferences in Greenland.