Sunday, February 04, 2007

Superblow Sunday

As this is being written the 2007 Superbowl football game is being played. We here at the Manor are not football fans and the only thing that this exercise in excess means to us is that the calendar grows ever closer to the opening of baseball season. So whether or not the artist formerly known as Prince and then once again known as Prince suffers from a wardrobe malfunction or not will only reach our portals upon our watching the ten o'clock news.

This past week has subjected the populace by many stories regarding various self proclaimed presidential candidates struting their stuff before the benighted voter. There's no point in naming names or parties because the list is ever expanding. But it has come to our attention that the individual members of this cast of characters all seem share one quality: The have no lives outside politics. The do not fish, sail, play music, play softball, make quilts, study history, etc. Well actually, they will pretend to show an interest in something other than the practice of power if there is a camera nearby to record the event of the revealing of their (false) humanity for campaign purposes.

Their single-minded pursuit of power and political office is disturbing to your faithful correspondent. It is almost like watching a person obsessed with pornography hoping (even campaigning)to have a sexual encounter with whatever porn queen is popular that particular month. In both cases the obsessive's eyes glaze over and their slack mouth almost drool as they strive toward their goal.

Here's the Bloody Nib Manor rule about politicians. We suggest that the reader consider this rule when deciding for whom to vote: Any candidate who is willing to sacrifice family, faith, fortune or self-respect in the pursuit of political office is undeserving of said office. If the politician is willing to sacrifice any of these things the politician is willing to sacrifice the voter. It is better not to vote than to vote for the lesser of two egos.

Here's a link to an interesting piece that appeared in the U.K. Telegraph:Sleepwalking with the enemy Uk News News Telegraph Remember, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

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