Sunday, December 10, 2006

Breaking the Silence Once Again

The Iraq Study Group released their findings this week and it was as expected -- a call for the United States to follow the example of Neville Chamberlain. The next thing you know a "blue ribbon" committee will be calling for us all to convert to Islam in the interest of world peace. Your faithful correspondent is not interested in placating the Islamic monster, not is he interested in abandoning Our Lord Jesus Christ in favor of following the teachings of an epileptic desert merchant with a taste for blood.

Baron Bodissey at The Gates of Vienna sounds the right note regarding the resistance to the prayer rug crowd: Gates of Vienna: WeÂ’re on Our Own

And Robert Fitzgerald at Jihad Watch reaffirms the need for not caving in: Jihad Watch: Fitzgerald: No opting-out

This week has seen accusations that the Associated Press has relied on "sources" for stories who have either been not who they claim they are, or non-existent. I'll not go into the controversy, but instead offer this link that graphically illustrates the trustworthiness of the established press organs: YouTube - All Your Fakes Are Belong to Us

Remember when you read a story about Iraq in your local newspaper that the person under whose by-line the story appears has probably not been an eyewitness to the story and has probably spent most of his or her time in Iraq in the Green Zone. That person has relied on Iraqi stringers to bring information. This is like an American war correspondent during World War Two using German stringers during the Battle of the Bulge to detail American progress.

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