Sunday, April 16, 2006

You Can't Say That! That's My Job

Bill Bennett is about to have a book published, the title of which, in the opinion of your faithful correspondent, just about says it all: America: The Last Best Hope. At one time yours had hoped that America, Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland would provide for the hope of freedom and decency in the world, but Great Britain has pretty much succumbed tot the political correctness that is represented by the European Union, and Ireland has turned into a corporatist paradise. A few enclaves in the British Isles such as Unionist Ulster and Old Church Scotland have tried to resist the overwhelming tread toward a kumbaya world at the mercy of every pissed off Mohammedan and West Indian, but it may only be a matter of time before the lean Protestant ministers of the Knox type are replaced in the pulpits by sensitive "with it" types who include the mezzuzin's call to prayer and the voudoun priest's dance with the recitation of the Nicene Creed before his sermon based on the Beatle's song All You Need Is Love.......For years the Anglican Church, and its US counterpart, the Episcopal Church have been undermining Christianity through the promotion of liberal theology, the denial of the exclusive truth claims of Christianity, and broad ecumenicalism. But now, for some reason, the Archbishop of Canterbury, some years after participating in a neo-Druidic rite, has decided that some people have just gone too damn far -- Telegraph News Archbishop attacks Da Vinci Code 'obsession' . We here at Nib Manor haven't much use for the Da Vinci Code except as an entertainment when we can't find or Fu Manchu novels, but for the Archbishop to bitch about an obession with the novel is comical. He's done everything to downgrade the Faith, but when an outsider does it he gets pissed off. Maybe he's made because Dan Brown got there before he did. Oh for the days of Latimer!

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