An interesting thing has taken place in the past year in television advertising.
A lot of commercials have featured black actors and white women as married or living together couples. This combination is is of a much higher percentage than the previous year or years. In fact, this particular combination of married or "hooked up" couples has become almost the norm in television commercials.
But one has to ask one's self, is this combination a reflection of the real world?
Apparently, according to statistics and census date, it is not.
The fact of the matter is that the most common combination in an "inter-racial" marriage is between whites and Hispanics. 42% of "inter-racial marriages are between a white and a Hispanic. 15% of "inter-racial marriages are between whites and Asians. 11% of "inter-racial" marriages are between whites and blacks.
But, in most of the commercials the coupling is between blacks and white, and almost overwhelmingly, between black men and white women. One very rarely sees a commercial featuring a white/Asian couple, and almost a white/Hispanic couple.
Why is this? Could it be that the advertisers base their advertising on only popular culture in which rap stars and black athletes seem to prefer marrying whites? Is it because of the BLM movement in which blacks are preferred and must be portrayed despite the 13% of the population because some black will pitch a bitch if they are not "represented?" Is it because blacks are more influenced by television commercials than any other race?
These are questions that are better addressed by honest sociologists than this uneducated writer. But it is a question that deserves to be addressed simply because the advertisement industry is portraying something that just not exist to the point that it insists that it portrays.
Black men, according to the commercials, are the desired love interest of white women almost over white men. In other words, suddenly black men are the desired demographic for some reason.
Writing as an uneducated boob, this writer can only assume that the reason is because, despite being the third down the frequency of "inter-racial" marriage, black men will scream because they are not represented as number one.