Your faithful correspondent is no example of sartorial splendor. In other words, this writer is no Beau Brummel spending an hour or so in front of a mirror to make sure that the folds in his cravat are placed "just so." In other words, we at Bloody Nib Manor consider ourselves as rather slobby in the proper sense, but we are not so slobby was to walk out in public wearing dungarees and a t-shirt. We always wear , daily, something like khaki trousers and a buttoned up shirt of either the Hawaiian or Western style. And always a hat or cap of some sort. And not a baseball cap. Baseball caps are for baseball players or tail gunners in B-17s.
But fashions change for some reason, and we no longer wear detachable collars or shirt fronts or waistcoats. And the, well, lower classes no longer emulate us (meaning middle and upper classes), but for some reason we seem to emulate them. Everybody wants to be a thug these days It's almost a sans culottes movement without the guillotine casting it's shadow. Just public opinion. And stupid public opinion. But let us face the fact. Most of the public is unthinking. They are reactive. If one tells the great unwashed that it dresses like thugs, hooches, white trash or just plain skanky one will get slammed with labels such as racist or classist. The insults are never-ending. But that's life in modern America in which the opinion of a drunk screaming at pigeons on a telephone wire are deemed as valid as that as a man who has spent forty years studying Burke and the Bible.
But to get back the point of this mess:
How do you know that a man (and it's always a man) of a proper type and of the conservative, and perhaps populist type, is the man that he presents himself as? The answer is simple: He ties his neck tie in either a coachman's knot or a four-in-hand knot. Those are the tie knots that men who have other things to worry about than looking good on the television. Windsor knots are for toffs and gangsters. In other words, for news readers and politicians. The normal tie for a working stiff is tied in a coachman's knot or a four in hand. That means that the guy (or gal) is just too damn busy.It doesn't mean that that person is a liberal or a conservative (leftists seem to prefer the t-shirt/hoodie look). It means that that person has other concerns than looking good for a camera. And the only people who worry about looking good for a camera are actors. And, from ancient times, we all know that actors are pretty much idiots and degenerates.