As long time readers of the Bloody Nib are quite aware, we, the denizens of Bloody Nib Manor are multi-racial. The ever-lovely Lady Nib is of Japanese heritage and this writer is a whitey-bird. And readers of this mess are aware that Bloody Nib Manor, while being in actuality a manor, is on a small piece of property in a community that is mostly Mexican and Mexican-American. There is also a good proportion of Asians; mostly senior citizens from China or Korea. And there is a small Hindu temple at the end of the lane. In other words, the shire is multi-cultural in a way that would make the average rich liberal busybody swoon with joy, but he wouldn't want to live here. There are too many street merchants selling tamales out of shopping carts on a Sunday morning and announcing their presence at 10:00 in the morning by shouting, "TaaaaMaaaaLeees!" at the top of their lungs and weekend birthday parties with giant bounce houses and loud mariachi music and cases of Corona for said liberal to feel comfortable. Add to this the fact that said liberal would be in a minority (as is your faithful correspondent) and would find out that his dream of multi-culturalism is something much better for the poor and working class than for him. And who can blame the poor dope? Nobody really wants to be awoken at 3:00 in the morning by gunshots outside or by a Honda boombox on wheels shattering the windows with loud music, no matter their race or ethicity. But said liberal thinks it's great. For you. Not for him. After all, somebody has to live in a big house in a white neighborhood and tell us all what to do. Multi-culturalism to our favorite progressive is a mix of tourism and a missionary activity; it's something he visits and wants to promote. He's worried about the little pink babies being too pink (not his baby, though), and the little brown babies being too brown.
What it really comes down to is a sense of reverse racism excited by guilt. But he's not going to go the Schweitzer route by moving in among those he feels need his help and work to "bring them up." He wants those who he considered benighted to be "brought up" by others. Those others being the white working class who are struggling to get and who has enough problems paying the rent in a "nice" neighborhood. Because, in the progressive white man's world a white working man is racist because he wants to self segregate because he wants to be with people to be with people like himself. He wants to wake up and hear the neighbor playing something stupid like "Free Bird" on the radio instead of NWA or Los Tigres del Norte. And our liberal friend, since a lot of his white "lessers" think he's an idiot and a damn busy-body, spends a lot of time telling minorities that the "Man" (meaning every white man except the wealthy liberal man despite the fact that the wealthy liberal man is paying the El Salvadorean nanny and the Mexican gardener minimum wage with no benefits) is holding the minority down.And the minorities buy this nonsense, especially African-Americans, heretofore to be called Blacks.
Since the election of our President, a multi-cultural man in blood and heritage, but a man who seems to adhere to the "one drop" rule and who identifies as Black, the relations between whites and Blacks have gotten worse. It is not because of any more animus by whites against Blacks than there was before the coronation of The One. It is because the Administration, under the direction of the of Mr. Obama, has deigned to spotlight and overblow every and any incident of white on black violence, whether said incident be a crime or a righteous police situation. And the media, being the liberal lickspittles that they are, have not only gone along with the Presidential narrative of hostility of whites against Blacks, they have promoted it, pushed it and have looked for any instance of racism that they could find.
Take, for example, Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC. She is a bi-racial woman; half white and half Black. She has, as well as being an angry feminist (in other words, a socialist wearing panties), is a race hustler. She, like our Dear Leader, identifies as Black. And, like The One, her childhood was about as like that of the average Black person as a Kardashian's was as to a West Virginia hillbilly. She grew up in an educated and well-heeled family. And, as an angry commentator, she makes a very good living; much better than the average honkey or Black. She's not driving a ten year-old Chevy at the end of her shift to a neighborhood of dead lawns and old mattresses leaning up against telephone poles. There's no one selling tamales or bean pies on her street on a weekend morning. She is, in fact, not oppressed. She is, in reality, among the One Percent that she rants against. She is wealthy. Not Internet baron wealthy. But she is wealthy by the measurement (this writer refuses to use the word "metric" for anything but the measurement of solid objects) of most Americans, no matter their race of ethnicity. But, poor thing, sees herself as oppressed because of her skin color.
Recently Ms. Harris-Perry decided to go on a rant about Star Wars. First of all, forget the idiocy of going on a rant against a silly movie. That's a secondary matter and just shows that the society as a whole has somehow confused popular culture with reality. Harris-Perry ranted against Stars Wars because she thinks that it's a racist series of film. Darth Vader is black and is voiced by a Black man and he's a villain. But once, for a moment, Darth Vader becomes a good guy and his helmet and mask are removed, it shows that he is a white man with a white man's voice. Ergo, the implication by Harris-Perry is that in the Star Wars world Black is bad and white is good. She, of course, neglects the fact that the Imperial Stormtroopers are all white. The rant by Harris-Perry is just an ill-thought out and angry tirade by a woman who is a priviledged Black woman who wants to, to put it in the vulgar patois, "get down with the peeps" for whatever reason. Perhaps her priviledged childhood, like our white liberal, makes her feel guilty for her having won the birth lottery.
And, finally to get to the point of this all too-long post, one finds one's self wondering if Harris-Perry, upon waking up in the morning and staggering into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, looks in the mirror she thinks to herself, "I'm Black" instead of thinking "Hey! Where'd that pimple come from?" If so, it's very, very sad.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Sunday, December 06, 2015
The Problem With Journalism is Journalists
This past couple of days a "journalist" writing for the New York Daily News Tried to equate the male murderer in the San Bernardino shootings with one of his victims.
The writer, a woman who's last name is Stasi (which is also the name of the old East German secret service and enforcement arm) wrote an ill-thought article about how Farook was a hater, but he wasn't any more of a hater than one of his victims; a man named Thalesinos.
Here's her bitch. Thalesinos was a Messianic Jew and, thus, thought faith in Our Lord and Saviour was the only way to salvation. He did not think that Islam was the way to salvation. In fact, he may have even thought Islam evil and anti-Christ. And he tried, as best he could,l to bring people of all religions and races to faith in Christ through argument and conversation. For this reason Ms. Stasi thought Mr. Thalesinos a man of hate.
Farook, on the other hand, was a devout Mohammedan of the violent type. His wife was the same type. They apparently hated non-Mohammedans to the point that they would murder them even when said infidels held a baby shower to give gifts to their brat-child.
Mr. Thalesinos never killed any one. He probably never even thought about it. Mr. Farook and his hag-wife killed many people. But Ms Stasi sees them the same because she went to journalism school. Journalism schools are cesspools of nonsense which are more concerned about their scions winning a prize for being "out there" and "combative" than reporting the damn news.
This writer finds himself nostalgic for the days when there were no journalists except in French weeklies and the newspapers employed reporters who were basically high school graduates who could write what they saw.
The writer, a woman who's last name is Stasi (which is also the name of the old East German secret service and enforcement arm) wrote an ill-thought article about how Farook was a hater, but he wasn't any more of a hater than one of his victims; a man named Thalesinos.
Here's her bitch. Thalesinos was a Messianic Jew and, thus, thought faith in Our Lord and Saviour was the only way to salvation. He did not think that Islam was the way to salvation. In fact, he may have even thought Islam evil and anti-Christ. And he tried, as best he could,l to bring people of all religions and races to faith in Christ through argument and conversation. For this reason Ms. Stasi thought Mr. Thalesinos a man of hate.
Farook, on the other hand, was a devout Mohammedan of the violent type. His wife was the same type. They apparently hated non-Mohammedans to the point that they would murder them even when said infidels held a baby shower to give gifts to their brat-child.
Mr. Thalesinos never killed any one. He probably never even thought about it. Mr. Farook and his hag-wife killed many people. But Ms Stasi sees them the same because she went to journalism school. Journalism schools are cesspools of nonsense which are more concerned about their scions winning a prize for being "out there" and "combative" than reporting the damn news.
This writer finds himself nostalgic for the days when there were no journalists except in French weeklies and the newspapers employed reporters who were basically high school graduates who could write what they saw.
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