Some time ago this writer publicaly stated that he was going to no longer write pieces against Islam, illegal immigration and the general idiocy of the ruling class.
Since then it has developed that due to the ineptness of the current administration "militant" Islam is on the march in Syria and Iraq. ISIS (or ISIL or the Islamic State of the Caliphate) promises to forcibly instill Mohammedanism on the whole world. The liberal "thinking class" wrings its hands telling us that ISIS is not Islam. Of course ISIS is not Islam. In the same way that all Germans were not Nazis. Islam in the Middle East just lays down and keeps quiet while ISIS goes on its march to their self-perceived world-wide victory hoping that they can come into the conquered areas and profit. Think of the French during World War Two. Most French put up with the Germans and a lot of them collaborated with the Hun. Not many resisted the Nazis ( a few Huguenot villages hid Jews, and there was as small resistance supplied by the British and Americans) but most of the French just lived with being occupied by Germans. And once the war was over and France was liberated every damn body and his grandmother claimed to be a member of the Resistance. Those who couldn't get away with the claim were shamed, but the French, being French, took the que sera sera route and not long after started honoring Nazi collaborators with literary awards.
That seems to be the way it is in Syria and Iraq. The average Mohammedan, upon being invaded by a bunch of savages, is not loathe to rat out the Christian family or Yezidhi family that his family has been living next to for centuries much the same way the French and Germans ratted out their Jewish neighbors. In news reports Christians and Yezidhis have described how their Mohammedan neighbors informed on them to ISIS.
And consider this: as far as reported, there have been no local Mohammedan militias formed to fight against ISIS. Everybody seems to think that the government army has the job of fighting while everyone else is sitting around eating pistachio nuts and drinking mint tea. And the armies would rather surrender with the knowledge that they'll be executed while on their knees rather than while standing up and fighting. Hope may spring eternal, but a study of history, especially of Mohammedan history, shows that there is little mercy when dealing with a Mohammedan with a gun or sword. The Solons of the Middle East like to say that the U.S. has a short history while the Arab nations have a long history, but it seems that the average Abdul wearing an Iraqi or Syrian army uniform never seems to recall that if he surrenders to an invading self-proclaimed Madhi he'll probably be dead withing two days after flying the white flag.
Here's a thought experiment: Imagine that some crazy Christian cult of about 13,000 (a Reconstructionist group of some sort, let's say) decided that it was about time to take over the the United States starting in Michigan. And imagine that they are trained and armed and that they are bound and determined to impose their Apocalyptic theology and governance on the nation. How far do you think they would get? Would it not be true that every Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Jew, agnostic and atheist with a deer rifle, a rabbit gun, a .38 Special or a .45 would be out hunting that bunch once the government failed to do so? A lot of Americans would shiver at the thought of an army coming into their town, but a lot would be fighting against them. The only ones who would really lay down are those bastards on Wall Street because they are looking for profit and not right. And if the Reconstructionist Army took over Wall Street the Wall Streeters would find themselves looking at the ugly end of an M-60.