You may not be interested, but Islam is interested in you.
Pakistan poses as an ally in our battle against Islamo-Fascism, but their degree of co-operation has, among thinking people, long been suspect.
This article from the U.K. Telegraph points out some things that our leaders are either ignorant of, or are keeping from us.
Pakistan spy agency controls the Taliban and plans attacks - Telegraph
If our American leaders had any damn sense at all (which they do not have) they'd concentrate more on an alliance with India in the war against the Orcs for the simple reason that India is a more Western nation than Pakistan, is less swayed by the Orcs, and has English as one of its official languages.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
A Little Reading and a Little More Watching
We here at the Bloody Nib Manor have been watching with interest the developments of the proposed building of a mosque right hard next to Ground Zero in New York. And we have been appalled by the city fathers deigning to grant permission for the building of what the Mohammedans plan to call the Cordoba Center (for those who do not know their history, Corboda, Spain, was the center of Mohammedanism in Spain up until the Spanish monarchs finally came to their sense and forced the Mohammedists to leave the area. It was also the site of the largest mosque in Spain, which was a precursor for the planned Islamization of Europe).
Needless to say, the ever-lovely Lady Nib and this writer wonder what the government of New York City was thinking when they decided to allow the building of the mosque. We can only assume that the drones running New York feared being called "racists" or "ant-Muslim" more than they feared the wrath of New Yorkers and the nation as a whole. The bureaucrat considers the masses as an inconvenient burden, while the vocal minority as a threat. Instead of growing a thick-skin the bureaucrat caters to those they consider "little brown babies." In other words, the public opinion has to learn to suck up insults while the minority is so frail and ignorant that they have to be indulged until it grows up. The problem is that the "little brown baby" never grows up as long as it's treated as a baby.
In the Middle East Christians have long learned that giving ground to the Mohammedans in the quest of peace is a losing proposition. Our various governments (Federal, state and local) have all, apparently, been reading from the Neville Chamberlain playbook -- waving a paper crying "Peace in our time" while the enemy is building bombs that will be dropped in month's time.
Here's an article about an Egyptian Copt priest who has long been speaking against that nonsense called Islam, and who has been doing so so effectively that millions of Mohammedans every year wise up and convert to Christianity. And the Islamic "scholars", unable to answer his criticisms of Islam, don't even try to argue with him. They try to ignore him:
Pajamas Media » What Did You Say About Muhammad?!
Here are two videos concerning the building of the Cordoba Center that may be of interest:
Pat Condell on Ground Zero mosque: "Is it possible to be astonished, but not surprised?" - Jihad Watch
Pamela Geller and Islamic supremacist liar talk the Ground Zero Mosque on CNN Sunday morning - Jihad Watch
And finally, the reader (being as all Bloody Nib readers are well informed on current matters) may be aware that Helen Thomas, the ancient White House correspondent who is suspected of personally knowing Andrew Jackson, showed herself to be the crazy aunt in the attic. She's made a half hearted apology and explanation, but it sounds like the young man discovered naked in bed with a girl and wearing panties on his head by the girl's father --- "We were only playing Parcheesi and our clothes suddenly flew off." » ‘Really Disgusting’: Rabbi Who Interviewed Helen Thomas Says ‘It’s Time’ for Her to Go
And finally, as trivial as it may seem, this writer misses Julie Bandaras on Fox News. Lovely voice, lovely black hair and lovely black eyes. And a consummate professional. This writer wishes her all good things in her new role as a mother and hopes that she soon returns to Fox.
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