Sunday, November 29, 2009

Any Backlash Yet?

This correspondent, in his last post, offered several instances of outrages against Christians perpetrated by Muslims in foreign nations that were apparently backlash against allegations of bad behavior by Christians. In none of the instances had it been proven, in fact, or by judicial decision, that the crimes were committed by Christians. But the Muslim majority assumed the worst against the Christian minority and lashed out in revenge.

Now, in Turkey, we have something that goes beyond backlash. We have a faction of the Turkish military planning the extermination of all Christians in Turkey.

Keep in mind two things when reading the story below:
1.) Turkey aspires to become part of the European Union and insists that it is a European nation and not an West Asian nation.
2.) Turkey attempted to wipe out all Armenians living within Turkey in 1915 and, even until this day, the government denies that the Turks perpetrated such a crime.

Now, let us face the facts. The only thing that is European about modern Turkey is the Hagia Sophia (formerly known as Saint Sophia's Cathedral), which, while built by the Christians of Asia Minor, has been a mosque since the 15th century. The Orcs pretend that the building is an example of Islamic art, but the only thing they have added to the edifice are minarets. Turkey was, before the Islamic invasion, a stalwart Christian nation called Byzantium. But forced conversions, exile and death resulted in Turkey becoming a Muslim nation and a backward nation

Also keep in mind that the Armenian genocide is a proven historical fact that Turkey denies ever took place. The very fact that a faction of the military and intelligentsia would think of exterminating Christians shows that Turkey has no place in the EU or NATO, for that matter.

Ask any Greek or Armenian what to think of the Turks and you will have a pretty good idea was the proper attitude toward them should be.

Here's the article:
Turkish Military Planned Attacks on Christians

Sunday, November 22, 2009

No Backlash?

As those who have the memory of a flea may recall, such organizations such as the Council of Islamic American Relations and the American Muslim Council cautioned Americans about the idea of backlash against Muslims after the terrorist act by the Muslim Major Nidal Hassen in which he killed 13 American soldiers or civilian employees at Fort Hood, Texas. These tools of Islamic nonsense assured us that such a backlash would not only be unChristian or unJewish, but unIslamic.
Well, some people and organizations lie for their own benefit, as is evinced by the following:
Egypt Muslims burn Christian shops: police
And the following item makes one wonder about the "religion of peace":
Priest Is Shot Dead in His Church in Russia -
We all, in this great Republic, deal daily with with people who are neither Christian not Jewish. It's a likelihood that the guy you buy your six-pack of PBR at the local liquor store is a Buddhist, a Confucian or a filthy atheist. But one can be pretty much assume that one's clerk holds to the ideas and the ideals of the United States unless the clerk is a Muslim (and why would a Muslim sell booze to one since booze is an anathema to the average Muslim? It appears that money is more important to them than religion).
This writer has long held the opinion that Islam is incompatible with the ideals of the United States. Consider this:
Islam is not compatible with a republic

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sometimes You Just Want to Puke

As those in the know are well aware, this writer is a veteran of the United States Navy, that his father was a World War II veteran of the United States Marine Corps and that his great uncle was killed in World War I while serving in the United States Army in France. The ancestors of your faithful correspondent have served as soldiers or sailors in every major war this great nation has waged except the Mexican and Spanish-American Wars since the French and Indian War in the 18th century.
The Nibs have always believed in the American ideal as defined by the Founding Fathers, and during the past fifty years the Nibs have seen the American Ideal and character ruined.
Apparently, the enlightened of our cousins across the Atlantic have seen the same problem. The US and Great Britain have seen their nations ruined. Be afraid.
'This isn't the Britain we fought for,' say the 'unknown warriors' of WWII | Mail Online

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Thought and a Couple of Links

It's been a bit more than a week since the shooting at Fort Hood perpetrated by Maj. Hasan. The Obama administration , the Department of Defense and the Army refuse to call this outrage an Islamic terrorist attack. This refusal on the part of the government and official military shows that we are being lead by men without chests.

But be that as it may, it should be noted that in every expression of disassociation from the act, and sympathy for the victims, every Islamic association that this writer heard or read warned against the American populace against "backlash" against Islamic-Americans. It has always been such with Islamic associations. A Muslim in the US does something bad and the organizations say that they are not at fault and that there should be no backlash. There is never a statement that the associations and the mosques will make it a point to educate Muslims about how to live peacefully in the US. They are like the parent with the wild eight year-old who refuse to discipline the brat after it has killed your cat; "Don't blame us. We didn't do it. And don't hold it against us. It's the kid's fault. But don't fault the kid because he's a wild child and you're a mean person if you even yell at us or our dear child."

Here's what Islamic associations and mosques in the United States should do if they want to be believed by the American populace. They should renounce the whole concept of Sharia law in the US, and they should teach a tolerance and even respect for the other religions in the US. They want tolerance from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., but they never return it. It's all a one way street with the Orcs, and the further that we, as a society, follow them down that road the harder it will be for us to turn the society back into a liberal (in the classic sense of the word) and Judeo-Christian society.

The road to socialism is much the same -- a one way street. For those readers who had the sense to read trash fiction during the 1960s/70s, there was a writer they remember named Dennis Wheatley. Wheatley wrote history, mystery novels, science fiction novels, occult novels and just novel novels. In the 1950s Wheatley wrote a piece that he hid in an urn at his house that was intended to be read by generations after his death. He died in 1977 and the essay was discovered a few years after his passing. Here is Wheatley's essay. Read it and weep:

BBC - BBC Four Documentaries - Dennis Wheatley

The national character and culture have, during the past forty-five years, undergone a more rapidly accelerating coarsening and vulgarization. Examples of this regrettable trend are modern basketball (now a contact sport), Rap and hip-hop (there's nothing more romantic or entertaining than screeches about rape and cop shooting while being locked inside a bass drum), movies (Transformers an A movie?), television (The Simpsons, et al) and beer commercials.

At this time this writer will address beer commercials. The average beer commercial has something to do with either men acting like idiots or men trying to pick up attractive women. Most try to be humorous, abut usually end up being just stupid. Now, admittedly, the ingestion of too much beer at one sitting results, usually, in stupid behavior. But most people use beer as a beverage for relaxation or as a social lubricant. Brewers like to add taglines to their commercials that say; Drink Responsibly. Perhaps the brewers should advertise responsibly. The attached commercial for Miller High Life (the starter for a campaign that never came to fruition fro some reason) is an example of a beer commercial that attempted to go against the growing tide of the "Whaaa's uuuup?" nonsense that beer commercials have become.

YouTube - Miller High Life Girl in the Moon